No better recommendation than from residents & relatives

What our residents and families say:

Throughout our website you can read quotes from residents and relatives and below we have brought together a few extracts from letters written about us and our services.

Some reviews left for us on Google...

It was my 90 year old mother's intention to stay at The Coombe House for a week, over Easter, as she could no longer manage the stairs in our home. Within 24 hours, she had decided she would like to sell her house in Staffordshire and make The Coombe House her home to be close to us as she felt safe, well cared for and welcome. She has a bright, sunny room, she is looked after with respect and dignity and continually tells us how happy and fortunate she is. This gives us great peace of mind.
- Catherine Lovell

Selecting a care home for my father was an arduous affair. We saw all manner of facilities from institutional style settings to those that were more like hotels. The former were quite foreboding and the latter felt somewhat clinical with their identikit styling. Nowhere felt like home until we stood on the welcome mat at Coombe House. This place really puts the home in care home. It's family run rather than corporate owned which may be the reason the staff turnover is so low. Dad's deteriorating mental health meant this was an important factor in our decision making. Familiar faces mean the world to people like my father. Thank you Coombe House.
- Peter Watson

The following are extracts from letters we have received from family and friends of our residents...

Thank you for all your care and kindness given to my mother during her time at Coombe House and particularly in the last few weeks. She could not have been in a better place.

...wonderful thoughtful and individualized care that I received during my stays at Coombe House. You helped me at a very difficult time and I shall always remember it with gratitude. really do run a very nice home with a lovely feel to it!

care home resident  residential care home resident  Coombe House care home  Coombe House care home resident

Our Reviews on is the UK's leading care home review website and contains a number of comments which you can view through the links in the panel on the right.

If you have visited us, or have a relative at Coombe House, you can add your review to using the button on the right. During any visit to Coombe House you are most welcome to view and add to our comments book.

...appreciation for all that you have done for my mother over the years … impressed by the care and respect given to her by you and your staff and we know that she liked her room and enjoyed many of the activities...

...commitment and care you gave to mum during her final few weeks …. you and your staff fulfilled her wishes to stay at Coombe House … you also supported the family and we are very grateful for all you have done...

Mother has been with you now six months and in that time she has changed from being frail, poorly, lonely and constantly in and out of hospital to a different person.

We had been worried that her end of life care might have meant moving her, but true to your promise you and your staff kept her happy and very comfortable right to the end.

We knew that we could trust you completely to give them the 24 hour care that they needed; enabling us to continue with our own lives without constant worry as we lived so far away.

I couldn’t have picked a more beautiful location with such thoughtful and caring staff for my parents when they needed more than just visits from carers at home...

Homely elegant house with other people in similar positions to talk to and activities appropriate to their abilities and interests...

Our mother lived alone and had had some falls … we lived in dread of late night phone calls calling for a rescue trip …. now in a safe environment, someone always on hand, anxiety and some of the responsibility being taken by you was a huge relief...